Annual Golf Tournament
Date: Friday, May 17
Registration: 7:30 am
Final Check In: 8:30 am
Shotgun Start: 9:00 am
Brown Deer Golf Club
1900 Country Club Drive
Coralville, IA 52241
Registration is now open!
Complete your donation online and email team information to Many sponsorship opportunities are available and these sponsorships have never been more important. Please give generously!
Golf Tournament Sponsorship Info & Form
Through January and February this year:
The Pantry served 98 more households than the same time period last year
We have served 1,953 unique individuals – 232 more than the same time period last year
We have seen 2,911 visits – 515 more than the same time period last year and more than double in 2022.
We distributed 93,000 pounds of food through February; 8,000 pounds more than last year and 39,000 pounds more than 2022.
We provided 350 grocery deliveries; more than double that last year and nearly 6 times what we did in 2022.